Sunday 25 October 2020

Our Online Service for Sunday 25th October 2020. Our Bible Service.

Hi Folks

Well, it's another Sunday, Sadly, a Sunday where for the next 3 Sundays, our churches will be closed for normal functions, except for Funerals and Weddings. It's that time of year where things start to quieten down, the end of another year draws closer, but in that, there is still much to do, though our minds are mapped in a different direction this year, with such confusion and the current events taking place, it's important that we stay strong in our minds, hearts and in our faith.

I hope that you were able to take advantage of the extra hour today. Today is Bible Sunday, so that is the theme of the new service available from 10am, I hope you can catch it (Prestatyn Church in Wales, via Facebook or Youtube and our website

We're in the 'Firebreak' so all churches are closed again and not expected to re-open until the Private Prayer times on 11th & 12 November, although there will be a short live streamed service from the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday - attendance is by invitation only I'm afraid.

Next Sunday is All Saints Day so the online service will provide an opportunity to have the names of loved ones still dearly missed put up on screen, so if you would like someone specific to be included then do let me know by midweek.

There will be Annual Church Meetings on the 4th (Christ Church) and 5th November (CHS) both at 7pm - this will be via Zoom and telephone, so do try to join in. If you are intending to take part by telephone, do please let the office know which phone number you will be using. It is straightforward - you dial the landline number given below and tap in the 'Room Code' for the required meeting and then the passcode. After a short pause I will welcome you into the meeting.

The meetings will be identical and will cover all that is necessary to be ready for the Mission Area Vestry Meeting on 24th November. The Agenda will include the 2019 accounts, reports (previously circulated) and a discussion of immediate priorities. I am also asking about service times, as post lockdown is a good time to make changes if they are beneficial, so you will be able to respond to a series of questions about what times suit you best or worst. I appreciate that we will not be able to satisfy everyone.

Currently elected officers are asked to remain in post, so there will not be any 2020 elections necessary and the revision of the electoral roll has been postponed. There will be brief 'Church Committee' meetings to follow on afterwards, so it is intended that each meeting will be fairly short.

To participate use the appropriate link here:

David Ash is inviting you to the Christ Church Annual Meeting 
Time: Nov 4, 2020 7:00 PM London
Meeting ID: 974 6816 8148 
Passcode: 858828 

0330 088 5830 .. 97468168148 # ...... 0 # .. 858828 # United Kingdom
or 0131 460 1196 .. 97468168148 # ...... 0 # .. 858828 # United Kingdom
or 0208 080 6591 (using ID and passcode) 

all at your standard landline rates

David Ash is inviting you to the CHS Annual Church Meeting
Time: Nov 5, 2020 7:00 PM London
Meeting ID: 922 3063 2791 
Passcode: 147383 

0208 080 6591 .. 92230632791 # ...... 0 # .. 147383 # United Kingdom
or 0208 080 6592 .. 92230632791 # ...... 0 # .. 147383 # United Kingdom
or 0330 088 5830 (using ID and passcode) 

Ah, yes, we did say that the clocks were going backwards?...

Some information also about the Firebreak lockdown imposed by Welsh government to our churches...

23 October: Wales is in a Coronavirus Circuit Break ‘lockdown’ from Friday 23rd October at 6pm and ending at the start of Monday 9th November.

This means that our churches and church halls must be closed during that period (with some very limited exceptions). You can read all the guidance via the links below:

Further information can be seen on the Church in Wales website.

If you have any needs or difficulties over the next couple of weeks do not hesitate to contact me and I will do everything that I can.

Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!

God bless you,

Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355

Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.