Saturday 6 March 2021

Our Online Service for Sunday 7th March 2021. "Pushing Our Limits!." The Third Sunday Of Lent.

Our Online Service for Sunday 7th March 2021.
"Pushing Our Limits!."
The Third Sunday Of Lent.

Text reads: No Live Services At Present... "Pushing Our Limits!" An online service available from 10 AM 7th March. /available at Prestatyn Church In Wales Facebook & Youtube pages or at

 Hi Folks

Sorry not to send a general reminder about last week's service, but most of you seem to follow the Facebook page and were alerted to it that way, well done for that.

There is a new online service tomorrow on the theme of "Pushing Our Limits!"  Geoff Breffitt helps us think out side the box in terms of how we limit God, both what we think of Him and what we allow Him to do in our lives.  So do catch that from 10am.

I've been promoting: Pray for Wales - a one hour Zoom Prayer Meeting, tomorrow 7th March at 7pm.  I've just learnt that this free event is now Sold Out (so reached the capacity for numbers attending) this probably due to the news that First Minister Mark Drakeford will be part of this meeting and will be making requests for prayer regarding the Senedd Cymru and the ongoing Corona Virus situation in Wales.  I'm sorry that I couldn't alert you to this sooner, however I'll pass on anything that he shares.

Background image of coloured pebbles. Foreground text in White reads... "The Prestatyn Pebble Dash! What an eggselent Easter Event!"

The Prestatyn Pebble Dash!

Could you paint a pebble for Easter?  This can be with Christian symbols, flowers or patterns to look like Easter Eggs.  The intention is that these will be 'hidden' around the town (in safe public places) and children will be invited to hunt them down on Easter Day, and then swap their pebble for an Easter Egg.  The scale of the event will depend upon how many pebbles we can decorate (and the number of eggs to go with them), so if you can find a suitably smooth pebble and have the time to decorate it then please let me know asap.  I'll ask you to take a photo of your pebble (to send to me) this will then be matched with an egg, ready for claiming.  I will issue you with a  general location for 'hiding' your pebble, which will need to be on Easter Saturday (using gloves).  You can certainly paint more than one pebble.  If you'd like to donate chocolate eggs as prizes (any size) then please do - I'll arrange to collect them.  If you're willing to be on a rota at a table outside of CHS or CC on Easter Sunday afternoon then these will be advertised as the opportunities to swap pebbles for eggs.  The only rule is that there should be only one pebble/egg per child.  If I can get a grant then there'll also be some free Easter story books to give away too.  Covid restrictions shall be monitored carefully, and changes may be made to these arrangements, but this is not a gathering and families will be encouraged to hunt separately for the painted pebbles.  Okay, so the dash is on to get painting those pebbles!

Multi-image background.  Text in White reads: “Tenants Of The King. Small group studies to inspire hope for God’s creation.” “Faith Motivated, Science Informed, Hope Inspired.” Text in green reads: "Mission Area Lent Course.” Text in black Reads: “Four Wednesdays 7:30 PM Via ZOOM Starting 24th February All Very Welcome!” Logo with Orange text reads: “Operation Noah.” Text below logo in blue reads: “Faith-motivated, Science-Informed, Hope-Inspired."

There will be part 3 of the Lent Course 'Tenants of the King' on Wednesday, via Zoom.  Do join in even if you've missed the sessions so far by using the Link:

Meeting ID: 871 3637 6288
Passcode: 587964 

Also, we are now part of the Sight Loss Friendly Church! Yes, that's right. A project which changes the lives of blind and sight impaired people through our churches. so, if you want to know more about what we can provide or what you need to help you engage in our services and church life, why not email me and let me know. 

Mothering Sunday Cards are being distributed this week, so if you can help with that, please contact the office.  Do also keep in touch and let me know if you have any prayer needs that can be circulated. 

Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!

God bless you,

Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355

Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.

Our Service This Sunday...