Monday 10 May 2021

Our Online Service for Sunday 9th May 2021. An Online Service for Easter 6. "Remain, Respond, Repeat."

Our Online Service for Sunday 9th May 2021.
An Online Service for Easter 6. "Remain, Respond, Repeat."

Image containing text. Text reads: "Prestatyn Church In Wales. Christ Church & Church of the Holy Spirit." "An online Service for Easter 6. From 10:00 AM 9th May." "Theme: Remain, Respond, Repeat." "Available at Prestatyn Church In Wales Facebook and Youtube pages and at"

Hi Folks

There are Annual meetings for both of the churches this week, via Zoom, and you are most welcome to be part of either.  The Christ Church one tomorrow is outlined below.

There is the opportunity for new people to join the PCC (Prestatyn Christ Church Committee) so do think about if that might be you.  You will need to be proposed and seconded, but that can easily be arranged.

As you probably know the St Asaph Diocese decreed that the local church committee members from 2019, would continue on throughout 2020 without the need to be re-elected.  There have not been any formal meetings for some time and we have very much relied upon the Verger, the Wardens Team and the Finance Team to keep things ticking over.  It is starting to look like meetings may be possible again in the near future, and certainly we can use the Zoom online facility, so hopefully the oversight and work of the PCC can re-engage soon.

I have been giving notice that the Annual Church meeting for Christ Church will be tomorrow at 7pm via Zoom, (in advance of the Mission Area Vestry Meeting on 20th) and you can follow this link:

It is an important time in the life of each church, picking up the pieces following on from Brexit (I mean the division of resources that took place), looking for life after lockdown (discerning what changes may be forced upon us and others that we might choose to make) and seeking to serve God better through our shared endeavours for the local church and the wider Mission Area.  I very much want to encourage you to support this meeting, if you possibly can and also to continue being part of the PCC.  One or two people are having to step down, so it is essential that the rest of us remain, to offer continuity and to pull together at this pivotal time.  That said, if you feel that you also need to step down, then please kindly let me know asap.

The Agenda for the meeting tomorrow will include annual reports (presented verbally and by shared screen), gratitude for those who have worked hard, election of PCC members & confirmation of Mission Area Reps plus brief AOB if advised in advance.  I have one item about signage for the Garden of Remembrance.  There will be copies of the reports included in a POP Around that will be produced later this week and distributed via email or as paper copies to those unable to participate online.

The Meeting on Thursday also at 7pm for the Church of the Holy Spirit will be very similar, so if you attend there or want to be rooted there, then do support that meeting.  The MOB (Mission Outreach and Belief) Group is the local church committee and membership is open to all attenders/supporters.

Here is the link:
I look forward to seeing you at one of the meetings.

The online service from Sunday is up and running, so do check it out if you haven't already.

Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!

God bless you,

Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355

Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.

Our Online Sunday Service This Week...