Sunday 15 August 2021

Our Online Service for Sunday 15th August 2021. The Eleventh Sunday After Trinity. Our Theme: "Be Magnificent!"

Our Online Service for Sunday 15th August 2021.
The Eleventh Sunday After Trinity.
Our Theme: "Be Magnificent!"

Hi Folks

I do hope that you are having a good Summer so far, stay-cationing no doubt!  If you are around then do support the 'Trails and Tails Picnic' on the 26th August and the last 'Fair Weather Fair' for this Summer on 28th August.  

Our Online Sunday Service for this week is on the theme of: 'Be Magnificent! Don't forget that you can always catch up on any of the devotionals you may have missed (or see them again) here on our website, on our facebook page or on our official youtube page.  

There are live services in our church buildings at 9.30am CHS and 10.45am Christ Church every Sunday now, and I want to update you on the latest Covid 19 arrangements.  To say the least, they are still a bit confusing as there are different requirements / advice / expectations from the Welsh Government, the Church in Wales (Bench of Bishops) and the local church people.  In Summary: we shall still wear masks in churches; we shall still track and trace; we shall still only offer wafers during Holy Communion; we hope to sing soon but at present that is not possible due to the local transmission rates (272 per 100,000 people in Denbighshire and it needs to be 50 per 100,000 or less); we shall be less dictatorial about social distancing (it will be possible to maintain a distance by choosing separate chairs, or sit closer but do ask before sitting near others already in pews or linked chairs); CC shall maintain a one way system but that is being phased out at CHS; you no longer need to book at either church and can just turn up.  These arrangements are being frequently reviewed and new risk assessments shall be prepared soon.

Monday 16th:  Shore to Shore No 5: Colwyn Bay - Penrhyn Bay starting at 1pm all welcome!

Wednesday 18th, 1pm Mid Week Communion at the Church of the Holy Spirit, with the options of bringing a picnic beforehand and/or staying for a Mission Outreach and Belief (MOB) Meeting following on. 

New Event for International Dog Day - 26th August! 

Bank Holiday Weekend: Saturday 28th August
NB Now 10am to 1pm (for even more fun!)
If you have enquired (or would like to enquire) about a Christening or Wedding, then do leave a message on 01745 776355 and I'll get back to you soon.  Do please bear with me as I'm on leave presently.

I do hope that you can have a good break yourselves, whatever the weather and you can always stay in touch by tuning in to the online services.

Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!

God bless you,

Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355

Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.

This Week's Online Sunday Service...