Saturday 16 October 2021

Apology for Sunday 10th October 2021 online service.

Our Online Service for Sunday 10th October 2021.
The Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity.
Our Theme: “From One Extreme."

 Hi Folks.

On Sunday 10th October, our Online Sunday Service was uploaded to Facebook, however, although it is there on the site itself, the file does not play in a stable manner, this is not a fault of ours. Due to this, the service couldn't be uploaded to youtube as the link had been corrupted. I, as your web admin, have tried various methods of solving this without luck. So, I can only apologise most sincerely for the situation regarding this service.

I can only hope that this Sunday's Online Sunday Service can be successfully uploaded.

Once again, my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused to our congregation and visitors to our website. The content is available via Here. but this is intermittent.
