Sunday 26 December 2021

Our Online Service for Sunday 26th December 2021. Our Christmas Service. Our Theme: “Hype To Hope."

 Our Online Service for Sunday 26th December 2021.
Our Christmas Service.
Our Theme: “Hype To Hope."

 Hi Folks 

A Huge Thank You to all of you who attended the live services during Advent, including the 'Carols & Crafts', 'Nine Lessons and Carols', 'Crib Service', 'Christmas Eve Communions' and the Christmas Morning 'All Age Celebration' and for all your support in keeping everything that we were still allowed to do, happening this year. 

We're now well and truly into those 'Twelve Days of Christmas' and I'm taking a break, but you can find a little Christmas Devotional on Facebook or YouTube (Prestatyn Church in Wales). 

The next Live Services will be on 2nd January: Celebrating Epiphany 
9.30am Church of the Holy Spirit - Holy Communion
10.45am Christ Church - Morning Prayer (in the Parish Community Hall)
We now have to re-impose the 2 metre social distancing regulation, which does limit our capacity again, so do arrive early to avoid disappointment. 

Wednesday 5th January is when the 1pm Prayer Time and 7pm 'Home Group' at CHS resume. 
Wednesday 12th January will be a Vicar's Hour at 6pm at Christ Church 
Wednesday 19th January is when a series of the Faith Café 7.45pm-9pm starts, PCH 
*All of course subject to any further changes in the Covid Regulations 

We didn't sing it this year, but I do enjoy this particular version of the 'Twelve Days of Christmas': 'The Twelve Hours of Christmas', so do have a go at singing it, or maybe pray it - giving thanks for the various ideas - before Twelfth Night! 

At the twelfth hour of Christmas, the world in darkness lay, 
Wise men are riding, 
dawn's light has broken, 
local people dozing, 
many sheep are bleating, 
with shepherds watching, 
all heaven blazing, 
angels are singing, 
Pe-eace on earth. 
For on Christmas Day, 
in Bethlehem, 
sheltered in a stall, 
Our Saviour Jesus is born!

If I haven't recently, then I do hope to catch up with you in 2022. 

Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!

God bless you,


Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355

Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.

Today's Online Sunday Service...