Saturday 9 April 2022

Easter Events...

Easter Events for Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th April 2022...

Do come to our Spring Fair - we could all do with an extra spring in our step! Friday 8th and Saturday 9th April, Christ Church should be bustling. Come for a cuppa, come for a new (old) book, come for some fun on the tombola, come and admire the craft stall. Do come and enjoy a pleasant chat in good company and for a great cause - our 'A Warm Welcome' Appeal (for the bells and boiler). Also come and find out about our Pebble Dash and other special activities leading up to Easter. Don't forget now, we hope to see you there!

This Sunday is Palm Sunday when we shall remember Jesus riding on a donkey as he entered Jerusalem for the last time, and the people welcoming him as their Messiah, by shouting "Hosanna" and waving palm branches.  Do come along to the Church of the Holy Spirit at 9.30am for Morning Prayer, or to Christ Church at 10.45am for Holy Communion and you can receive a palm cross in celebration of those events and of all that they still mean to us today.