Saturday 19 June 2021

Our Online Service for Sunday 20th June 2021. The Third Sunday After Trinity. Our Theme: "ALL AT SEA!" Happy Fathers Day!

Our Online Service for Sunday 20th June 2021. 
The Third Sunday After Trinity. 
Our Theme: "ALL AT SEA!"
Happy Fathers Day!

Hi Folks

Sunday's coming and for those who I may not see in person - Happy Father's Day!  I'm sure that'll creep into our church services which are 9.30am at CHS (Church of the Holy Spirit) and 10.45am at CC (Christ Church).  There are lots of video clips which are both humorous and touching, so do take a look and let me know what you think. 

On Wednesday there is the second of the Faith Café Online sessions.  Thank you to all those who attended the first one - a most enjoyable discussion and I didn't even have to provide the drinks.  Basically you set the agenda, with some of your questions about God or the Christian faith and we all chip in with our thoughts and ideas.  

You are most welcome to join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday via zoom, here is the link: 
Meeting ID: 917 1188 9696
Passcode: 897078

Advanced Notices:

Forest Church - if you'd like to explore God in nature and maybe make a bug hotel, then Gregor the Curate at Llanasa will be leading a family friendly 'rustic holy communion' at 4pm on Sunday 27th June in Cwm Churchyard.  All are welcome!

Governance Training - for all Mission Area Reps or potential ones, this gives you insight into the legal side of being a Trustee for a charity, and the role of representation back to the church committees.  Monday 28th June, 7pm-9pm via Zoom,  Click here to email Sian for the link.  All those interested are most welcome to join this session.

Shore to Shore - making Mondays meaningful!  Monday afternoons at 1pm, from 19th July there will be a bit of a prayer relay with an environmental heart as people walk a series of six stages from Talacre to Llandudno, chatting and picking up litter as they go, with times to pause and pray - definitely a promenade with purpose!  Ramblers and dog-walkers welcome.  More details shortly but reserve your Mondays if you can.

            Do pray that we can all know a fresh experience of the Holy Spirit to inspire, enable and make us more bold as the Church of today.
I hope that all you men have a great day!

Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!

God bless you,

Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355

Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.

Our Online Sunday Service This Week...