Saturday 26 June 2021

Our Online Service for Sunday 27th June 2021. The Fourth Sunday After Trinity. Our Theme: "A Miracle Sandwich!"

Our Online Service for Sunday 27th June 2021.
The Fourth Sunday After Trinity. 
Our Theme: "A Miracle Sandwich!"

Hi Folks

Welcome to our Online Sunday Service from Prestatyn Church in Wales. The theme for this Sunday is: A Miracle Sandwich, which gets explained during the service.  There will be the usual mix of music, readings and prayers, so do give it a go and let me know what you think. 

Click Here for This Wee's Pew Sheet.

You are of course welcome to attend church physically either at 9.30am at the Church of the Holy Spirit for an All Age Service or at 10.45am at Christ Church for Holy Communion.  If you are not a regular attender, please send me an email, so that we expect you and make room for you.

Also this week there will be: 

Forest Church at Cwm on the afternoon of Sunday 27th June at 4pm.


Faith Café on Wednesday via Zoom...
Meeting ID: 917 1188 9696
Passcode: 897078

Mid Week Communions - just once a month to start with - Christ Church Thursday 1st July at 10am & CHS Wednesday 14th at 10am probably followed by a MOB meeting.

DIARY for your information & prayers

Monday 28th June @ 7pm
Homegroup via zoom

Monday 28th June @ 7pm 
Zoom M.A. Governance Training

Wednesday 30th June @ 7.30pm, 
Faith Café via zoom.

Thursday 1st July @ 10am.
Midweek Communion - Christ Church 

Wednesday 14th July @ 10am. 
Midweek Communion - CHS
followed by MOB meeting. 

Mon 19th 1pm. 
Talacre Shore to Shore Diocesan Coastal Strategy.

Do pray that we can all know a fresh experience of the Holy Spirit to inspire, enable and make us more bold as the Church of today.
I hope that all you men have a great day!

Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!

God bless you,

Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355

Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.

Our Online Sunday Service This Week...